Smarty Cartoons Featured Models

Historically, I believe every artist had models to work with throughout their artistic career. Many artists have featured them and to this day are displayed in museums and other forms of expression such as sculptures and paintings. I decided to include models with my work since I was studying portrait art during my college years in order to increase and perfect my skills as an illustrator and painter.

To this day, I continue to feature talent, and later, I will feature children as subjects of full color and playful expressions. My goal is to enhance my skills as an artist and continue to challenge my own creativity throughout my art productions. More talent and artwork will be featured as I complete each project.

from Texas

from California

from Texas

Candy Lee
from California

from Texas

from California

from Texas

from California

Lady Mariposa
from Texas

from California

from California

A huge thank you goes out to, first of all, my wife, Debra, who is my art coach and best critic... and all of the contributing photographers and models who have helped in the production of this gallery and the artwork. The "Smarty Models", as I call them, have been a great resource for creativity and challenge in my work.

Check back often to see what new productions are in progress and what new talents are featured. If you are interested in my services as a portrait artist, you may contact me at